'; // If new conf and no errors continue $path = dirname(__FILE__); $rok = date('Y'); $miesiac = date('n'); $dzien = date('d'); $godzina = date('H'); $istat_path = dirname(__FILE__); if(!empty($istat_path)) $istat_path .= '/'; include('include/month.inc.php'); $dane['logs'] = @file('logs/'.$rok.'/'.$miesiac.'.php'); $nrmonth = array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); if(date('L') == 1) $nrmonth[1] = 29; $dane['stat']=LoadData(); ?> Statystyka ISTATS
Imperator STATS    
Adam Soboci_ski   
Piotr Galas   
Micha_ Bundyra   
'> '> '> '> '> '>

Copyright © 1999- 

'; } // should only be numbers between 0 and 23 or empty function sprawdz_godz($pole) { GLOBAL $error, $rmsg; if($pole != '') if($pole < 0 || $pole > 23 || !ereg('^[0-9]{1,2}$', $pole)) $error .= $rmsg['error']['hour1'].$pole.$rmsg['error']['hour2'].'
'; } // e-mail syntax verification function sprawdz_email($pole) { GLOBAL $error, $rmsg; if(!ereg('^[a-z0-9_-]+((\.)[a-z0-9_-]+)*(@)([a-z0-9_-]+(\.))+[a-z]{2,5}$', $pole)) $error .= $rmsg['error']['email'].$pole.'
'; } // for passwords : min. 5 chars and only chars a-z, A-Z and numbers function sprawdz_haslo($pole) { GLOBAL $error, $rmsg; if($pole != '') if(!ereg('^[a-zA-Z0-9]{5,}$', $pole)) $error .= $rmsg['error']['pass_num'].'
'; } function LoadData() { $fid = fopen('logs/stat.isl', 'r'); while(!flock($fid, 2+4)); $dane = fgetcsv($fid, 1024, ','); flock($fid, 3); fclose($fid); return $dane; } class licz { var $nr, $str, $date; } function sortuj($name) { sort($name, SORT_NUMERIC); $ile = count($name); $tab = array(); for($n=0; $n<$ile; $n++) { $split = explode('|', $name[($ile-$n-1)]); settype($split[0], 'integer'); $tab[$n] = new licz; $tab[$n]->nr = $split[0]; $tab[$n]->str = $split[1]; $tab[$n]->date = $split[2]; } return $tab; } // funkcje wykresu pionowego i poziomego function vertical($title, $ile, $for, $full, $get, $img, $plus, $stan, $topproc, $bottom, $botproc) { ?>
2) $f = $for; //else $f = 2; $for=count($get); for($x=1; $x<=$for; $x++) { if($get[$x] > $max) $max = $get[$x]; if($get[$x] < $min) $min = $get[$x]; } for($n=0; $n<$ile; $n++) { if($plus == 0) $k = $n; else $k = $n+1; if(!empty($max)) $wysokosc = round((200*$get[$n+1]/$max)); else $wysokosc = 1; print(''); } ?>
'); if($k <= $for) print('
'); if($k == $for) print(''); print($bot); if($k == $for) print(''); if($botproc == 1) print('
'.$bp); print('
nr) $max = $sort[$n]->nr; if($ile < $count) $count = $ile; if($ile > 0) { for($n=0; $n<$count; $n++) { $numer = trim($sort[$n]->nr); $tekst = trim($sort[$n]->str); if(!empty($max)) $dlugosc = round($width2*$numer/$max); else $dlugosc = 1; print(''); } } else print(''); ?>
'); if($flags != '') print(' '.$istat_tld[$tekst]); else print($tekst); print(''); print(''); print(''.$numer.'